Mark Kelly continues

by Mark, Wednesday, October 16, 2013, 20:23 (3999 days ago)

For those of you that missed yet another Mark Kelly incident:

A TTAG reader writes: “Mark ‘I wasn’t really buying that AR-15‘ Kelly is committing a felony right in front of New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. It’s against New York State (NYS) law for someone to be in possession (i.e. holding) a handgun without a valid NYS Pistol license. Mark Kelly can’t have a NYS pistol license because he’s not a legal resident of New York.” An Empire State firearms attorney told TTAG that there’s an exception for firearms training but, as far as he can tell, not gun shows. Unless we hear otherwise, under Article 265 of New York State penal law, Mr. Kelly’s committing a Class E felony. But wait! There’s more! Well, there would have been if Kelly hadn’t been pressed for time. “Kelly bought a book on Colt revolvers,” reports, “and said later he probably would have bought a gun if he had had more time.”

Also, for you NY'ers who are in the know, do you have any idea how the ammo backround check is going to work? SCOPE sent me this (as part of a larger email):

"...That also means that clubs will have to run Background Checks to sell ammo. You must also report the loss of any bullets to the State Police..."

Do you know what the loss of a bullet means?


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