I have a bunch of my Pop's stuff...

by pokynojoe, Wednesday, October 16, 2013, 07:30 (4000 days ago) @ uncowboy

Uniforms, discharge papers, pay schedules, medals his Rosary, missal,his "Casket flag", Chinese Gold bank drafts(no, they're not worth anything), and other paraphanalia that was my Pop's stuff from WWII. He even saved his draft notice. He fought in the CBI theatre of operations. Flew over the "Hump" and his unit was the first to drive down the Leto Road right after it's completion. After his death I was surprised to find all this stuff because my Pop subscribed to the theory that "If it don't pay rent, it gotta go! So I figured it must have been important to him.

I've spent the last few years trying to find some place that would take all this stuff, because I'm the last "care taker." I've contacted numerous museums across the country and nobody, and I mean nobody wants this stuff.

I've contacted the local VFW and the guy told me that there is just so much of this stuff around that unless I have something real unique or unusual, probably no organization will take it.

Oh, I've had individuals offer to take it, but I know they are only interested in holding onto it in the hopes that it might have some value and then sell it. I'm not going to do that.

It saddens me to think this stuff will probably be thrown in the trash after I'm gone.

If anyone has any ideas or might know of some museum or repository that might want this stuff, I'd appreciate a head's up. I'm not getting any younger.


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