by J.B.MILLER @, JAWGA, Wednesday, October 09, 2013, 15:37 (4006 days ago)

On behalf of B.J.Snow and myself, I would like to thank all of you who attended. A special thanks to the Mississippi boys, Jason and John for doing a fine job organizing and ramrodding the event. Fun was had by all. The weather was hot Saturday, but no rain until Sunday afternoon. Many kids attended and by all accounts the next generation of shooters will do just fine.
One special thanks to David Richardson for buying my families meal on Saturday night at the Mexican restaurant. Jason was trying to pick up my tab, but was distracted by the lighthouse tattoo on the female bartender. Thanks David.
We were easily able to repel the attack from my neighbor's ( Bare Cove Resort ) nudist camp. They had already been decimated from the chiggers and tick bites. I look forward to seeing you all again next year.

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