cut off mini-14?

by D.Sikes @, Ozarks, Monday, October 07, 2013, 17:57 (4008 days ago) @ MR

that's one thing I don't understand....

cut 2 inches off a 16 inch barrel to 14 inches and then weld on a 2 inch flash suppressor to make it legal lenght... WTH... what advantage does that give you?... same length as before but reduced muzzle velocity of a shorter barrel... a "tactical" advantage over game animals?... the only reason that I'd cut a barrel back in length is for handling leverage... like my 16 inch Trapper levergun has over the standard carbine length... but to cut and then add an "extension" to make it legal length again?... don't make sense to me...

if ya'll can, please explain this to me?

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