We survived Michigan!

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Monday, October 07, 2013, 10:01 (4009 days ago)

My brother and I drove up last Wednesday morning and hunted our way north. A couple other guys came up Wednesday evening and we all headed to the UP on Thursday morning. Thursday was ok but Wednesday, Friday and Saturday were amazing. I bet we saw 30-40 birds a day between the two pairs of us. Skeeter did a great job, pointed a ton of woodcock and some grouse for us. The birds were holding pretty tight but some of them were runners! One guy said he would have had about as much luck with a fishing net as he did with his shotgun! Tight quarters and close, quick shots. I managed to limit out on woodcock on the last day. killed my last bird with my old Ithaca 37 in 16 gauge. Most of the other time I carried a Stoeger made Benelli knock off. It shoots pretty well for me and I'm not upset if it gets wet or beat up!

Unfortunately, our timing wasn't any good to meet up with any of the Michigan sixgunners. Hopefully we can fix that next year. It was hard to drag myself out of bed this morning and Skeeter is still wore out! He'll be licking his wounds for a few days. Didn't see any wolves or bear, but we did find three piles of bear scat; one pretty fresh! Managed to get out of Cabela's without spending too much money either! All in all a pretty good trip!

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