Ruger MKII help/'smith needed

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Sunday, January 29, 2012, 19:23 (4630 days ago)

I've got a Ruer MKII that is having light strikes far too often. Like maybe once a mag or more. I've had the barrel cut to 3 1/2" and threaded for my suppressor. I've fired thousands of rounds through it but lately it's been having issues. It has a wonderful trigger so I'm gueeing some parts inside might not be factory original. I put a new firing pin in it and it measured a bit longer than the original that was in it, so I was hoping it would solve the problem. Took it to the garage and fired a couple of mags into a bucket of sand and it is still having issues. Not ammo related, as I've tried several brands in the ammo cabinet. It's been thouroughly scrubbed inside. I guess it could be a main spring issue, but if anyone has any other ideas I'd love to hear them. Barring that, who would you reccomend sending to to for a real check up?

Doug K

Ruger MKII help/'smith needed

by Josh Maloley, Sunday, January 29, 2012, 19:35 (4630 days ago) @ Slow Hand

I'd start with a new full power mainspring before I even worried about it.

Start with a new hammer spring...................

by bmize, Sunday, January 29, 2012, 19:43 (4630 days ago) @ Slow Hand

I'm sure you cleaned out the bolt/firing pin channel while you had it apart.

Start with a new hammer spring...................

by Bud, Sunday, January 29, 2012, 21:15 (4630 days ago) @ bmize

I had my MK I rebuilt by Ben Forkin. I don't have word to describe how wonderful this Ruger is. I has a Leupold 4X scope, has a 6" new Winchester 52 barrel mounted on it. It shoots better than any rifle I've ever seen.

I have a MK 1 standard model that was misfiring constantly

by Bob Hatfield @, Monday, January 30, 2012, 15:44 (4629 days ago) @ Slow Hand

I noticed the bolt return spring was not fully closing the bolt and when the hammer dropped it would force the bolt on closed and I believe that was soaking up the hammer blow.

So I did what any other hillbilly would do. I stretched the mainspring some(not the hammer spring) and it works fine now.


I have a MK 1 standard model that was misfiring constantly

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Monday, January 30, 2012, 22:09 (4629 days ago) @ Bob Hatfield

Good tip!

I was going to get on midway and brownells and see if there was a complete spring kit available and just do that. I got too busy casting some .30 cal bullets instead... Maybe tomorrow night.

I have a MK 1 standard model that was misfiring constantly

by uncowboy, Wednesday, February 01, 2012, 16:16 (4627 days ago) @ Slow Hand

Mk 1 Most likely problems ! with your description I would say ,
Dirt ??? Is it Really clean and there is no fouling keeping the bolt from closeing all the way. NOT SAYING you don't know how to clean your gun but This is the #1 problem when they are brought to me.
#2 This is most likely your problem because you know how to clean your gun right! The fireing pin BLUNTS out. Gets too wide to crack the rim. Take out your fireing pin streach it a bit by peaning the middle agenst a hard plate of steel. Measure before and after try to get 10 thousands longer Then with a file re profile the fireing pin to thin the profile, Just break the edges that are there. This will help a lot.
NEVER saw a mainspring on a MK 1 weaken to the point of light hits. Other guns yes but not the Rugers. Good luck. J.Michael

I have a MK 1 standard model that was misfiring constantly

by Woodswalker ⌂ @, the Great North'Wet', Friday, February 03, 2012, 17:42 (4625 days ago) @ uncowboy

We get them in the shop regularly for mis-fires and the usual culprit is fouling built up in the "corner" of the action at the barrel face...that should be a SQUARE corner...not a bevel.

We have seen SO many that were fouled ONLY there and squeaky clean everywhere else. It LOOKS like metal, but we dig it out with a dental pick and do a detail strip/clean and be SURE to clean the firing pin and channel carefully and be sure that the pin floats easily after reassembly before re-installing the bolt.

Not saying yours is still dirty...but relating what we find in over 65% of the FtF we get in the shop.

Reheating pizza – sheesh. Totally destroys the delicate flavor.

A Smith and Wesson beats 5 aces...

Woodswalker AKA AaronE

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