Doggone, ..y'know, I was dithering about as well----

by John Meeker @, Monday, September 30, 2013, 13:29 (4016 days ago) @ Otony

...your note caused me a rueful grin, for it had to be by mere electrical molecules that my message arrived first. Should the sights not be what I need vs. what I thot I needed, y'r next, then. Same deal.

I have a cheapo red dot on the gun, and while pret quick, it's bulky. And it won't fit into the old violin case, with which I wanted to tote it around -- with some 50rd'rs. Interesting, one of gun mags had a small test on sight quickness -- more opinion and small sampling than science -- about irons, scope, red-dot & mebbe peeps? - as to what gave the fastest acquisition and highest percentage of hit/scores.

Cross hair-ed scope was fastest!! Now, the shooters were NOT Seal-level Tactical guys, or folks with some combat tours, etc. Stilll, it was interesting. My first sights were peeps, I shot Jr rifle with peeps, and still look for that front sight first - rifle or handgun -- and unfortunately, on shotguns where you shouldn't 'look-at', at all.

The doorkicker AR got a red-dot and light, but that's whole different goal, there. So...peeps it'll be ...unless usage and older eyes say nay.

Condolences on y'r miss, but there's always more of about anything -- unless y'r a certain Texas gun dealer of fabulous, drooool-worthy, and rare hand-shootin' goods. ;~`)

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