Had to put a buck down yesterday

by Fowler, Sunday, September 29, 2013, 10:15 (4017 days ago)

The family and I were coming out of a small amusement park utside Golden and there was a parking jam at the exit. We sorted out there was a very fresh accedent right in front of us and was able to just go around it. Well the guy had hit a 4x4 mule deer buck that was very much still alive but hurt very bad in the middle of the road. I whipped the car around and asked the wife if I should put it down. She said if you have the means (still doesn't realize there is always a gun on me) so a I pulled over and got out. Two or three women were screaming at the man for hitting the deer and traffic was pretty busy but I just walked over to the deer, and made sure I had a safe angle drew my Les Baer and put one in the top of the deers scull and dragged it off the road so no one else would hit it.

There was no question that the deer needed to be put down but in front of my family (the 5 year old doesn't fully understand what happened), in front of passing cars and other people leaving the park leaves me questioning it some. I talked to the guys in the vehicle who had hit it they thanked me, they were southern boys who understood what happened but had called the cops already. I just told them I was never there and he said the cops were coming so get out of there.

So we left and that was the end of it, I don't know what was legal or not exactly but I know it was the right thing to do, just messy with too many people watching who may or may not understand what was going on. I have Donald to do it twice before and never doubted my actions for even a second, but they were on rural roads without car after car full of families coming from a day of fun watching it. I don't know why I am second guessing what I did...

Had to put a buck down yesterday

by Lee J. @, hagerman,NM, Sunday, September 29, 2013, 10:24 (4017 days ago) @ Fowler

Don't question yourself Fowler, you did what was necessary. Sorry it had to be under those circumstances, and not to make light of the situation but, "sh-- happens, not your fault. You did the humane thing.:-|

This is NOT a criticism, I think you were right but...

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Sunday, September 29, 2013, 11:30 (4017 days ago) @ Fowler
edited by Hobie, Wednesday, October 02, 2013, 23:32

I know of a Pastor, a VaARNG Officer who has a felony conviction for doing just that. He did not realize he was on a school's property when he did it as he was physically far removed from the school building... The cop COULD have ignored it but wouldn't. That officer is now gone from that force.

PS - to my mind this is just more evidence that the world is turned upside down. I hope that you suffer no consequence for your choice.

PPS - I need to note that he was on school property, inside the city limits, within 100 yards of a roadway and a house. ALL of these are illegal here.



In Ak and ID AZ that is legal. Who knows in Colorado?

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Sunday, September 29, 2013, 11:59 (4017 days ago) @ Fowler

I have done that several times, twice when I couldn't avoid hitting a deer. Both were on busy highways. One was the Coeur D'ALene Indian reservation and a truck full of happy Indians "stole" it from me. I was relieved that they did.
Once on I-40 between Williams and Flagstaff a small heard of mule deer ran out in front of me. I managed to dodge them but a gal traveling by herself hit a doe. It tore her plastic grill and both headlights off broken pelvis screaming deer crying lady. I told the gal what I was going to do, then did it. A Remington Mid range load out of my 4" 29 ended the deer's agony. She thanked me. I escorted her into a gas station in Williams.
In Germany another MP hit a doe crippled it. We followed procedure and waited 1 hours while that deer bleated for the local Forest Jeager to show up and pop it with a .22lr. That was legal but not very ethical.
What you did was ethical and right.

Of the Troops & For the Troops

In Ak and ID AZ that is legal. Who knows in Colorado?

by uncowboy, Sunday, September 29, 2013, 13:04 (4017 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Funny here in NJ YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN CHARGED. First by the police second by the fish and game. I know you did the right thing. Thursday I ran over a opossum in the work van , I stopped and backed up to see if it was dead it was only crippled so I ran it over again to stop the suffering, The rest of the night I was expecting to be pulled over for killing it intentionally, I am sure someone saw it they would have called the pd. I have a retired cop friend who said he killed 50 deer with his flashlight. He said if I shoot one I spend 1 day doing paperwork. If hunting and you wound a deer at last light you are not aloud to finish it off or you will be charged with hunting at night. If you have a light (who wouldn't) you will be charged with jacklighting. NO COMON SENCE.

So technically to wasn't quite legal

by Fowler, Sunday, September 29, 2013, 13:08 (4017 days ago) @ Fowler

It's not putting the deer down that would be the issue. It would be discharging a firearm within 150 feet of the center stripe of the maintained road that would be illegal. My DOW neighbor said it is very doubtful anyone would say anything but they could and you never know when Barney Fife will show up and be a prick. So doing what needed to be done and getting the hell out of there was certainly the right move. 98% of the law enforcement wouldn't be a problem but...

I know it was what needed to be done so I certainly won't lose any sleep over it but it is clarified for me now.

If it a happened here...

by pokynojoe, Sunday, September 29, 2013, 16:19 (4017 days ago) @ Fowler

You could have "finished" it off, and taken it home, "Road Kill" law was passed about four years ago. Although, you probably would have to have fought 15 other people for it. "Road" kill deer don't hang around long in these parts. We commonly call it "food."

Oklahoma law...

by Murphy @, Sunday, September 29, 2013, 17:08 (4017 days ago) @ Fowler

Sadly, gotta wait for an LEO to end the suffering if there is a deer/vehicle accident.

But, much like the others have posted. Sometimes 'some guy' will usually stop...'pop', get back in the truck and know one know's who that strange man was. Nor can they agree what he was driving and no one even thought about a getting his tag number.


Shooting on campus.....

by Catoosa, Sunday, September 29, 2013, 21:59 (4016 days ago) @ Fowler

Many years ago, a dog got hit in the street in front of one of the mens' dorms on the Tennessee Tech campus. The dog had ribs crushed, spine broken, etc. and was suffering. I am not a person who can stand to see an animal suffer. I had a Winchester single-shot .22 in my car (slightly against the rules). A couple of the guys carried the dog over and laid it on the lawn of the dorm, and I ended its pain with a .22 short HP. On campus (also slightly against the rules). I put the rifle away and went back inside in case Sherlock (the campus night cop) showed up. If he did, I never heard anything more about it.

I guess the statute of limitations has run out on that little transgression. If someone did that today he would likely go to jail, and certainly get thrown out of school. I hope my guys in the dorm (I was a dorm counselor) learned something about compassion that night. I would certainly do it again if I had to.

I know of a copperhead that apparently committed

by stonewalrus, Monday, September 30, 2013, 08:29 (4016 days ago) @ Fowler

Suicide in a National Forest campground in Missouri. There he was, lying dead on a gravel bar at the swimming hole of a self inflicted gunshot wound to the head...

I know of a copperhead that apparently committed

by Remington40x @, SE PA, Monday, September 30, 2013, 12:54 (4016 days ago) @ stonewalrus

And I'll bet someone stole the gun that copperhead used after he pulled the trigger, too.

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