Our friend Jeff Quinn is very ill;

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Friday, September 27, 2013, 10:07 (4019 days ago)

Good morning all...This is Souette Quinn...Jeff's wife.
For those FB friends specific to Jeff on his personal page, I wanted to request prayer for him at this time.
Jeff is in Vanderbilt Hospital with an undetermined, aggressive form of a blood infection.
He was admitted on Wednesday afternoon with a team of Doctors waiting for him. He currently has 3 teams working with him as they attempt to identify the type of infection so they may treat accordingly. This is unlike anything they have seen before.
He has been on a slow drip of antibiotics for 2 days and his fever is now gone and he has begun to eat & drink some.
However, the infection remains and he is in the best of care in the ICU at Vanderbilt. He is isolated w/no visitors at this time.
Although he wants to stay to finally be diagnosed & treated correctly, I know he's getting better as he wants to get out so he can fulfill his commitments to GUNBLAST with the projects on his calendar.
Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers. I'm sure Jeff will be back on here soon and teasing you once again with all those firearms he gets to "play around with".

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