Wolf protection?

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Thursday, September 26, 2013, 09:04 (4020 days ago)

Heading to the UP of Michigan next week and I've read there are wolves up there. I'll be toting a 12 ga auto loader, but 7 1/2's won't do much for a big canine. I'll carry a pistol with me, am torn on which one. As much as I hate to say it, I'm thinking my Glock 19 or 22 would be my best choice. I've got .45 Blackhawks and .45 acp 1911's, but I'm thinking capacity and weather ruggedness are good points to have. I shoot all of them to feel confident, but I'm leaning toward the glocks. I'm thinking JHP's would be called for, due to not needing penetration like on bigger animals. I've never thought of havin to shoot a big dog dog before so
This is new to me! Any suggestions or opinions welcome!

Doug K

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