[uncomfortable], as a mom, to see a boy pointing a gun."

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Thursday, September 26, 2013, 00:10 (4020 days ago)

A 7th-grade student in Virginia Beach, Va., suspended from school for shooting an airsoft gun in his front yard will find out on Monday if he is expelled for the rest of the year, a local television station reported.

Khalid Caraballo, 13, and some friends were playing with airsoft guns on his front lawn as they waited for the bus one morning, WAVY first reported. Airsoft guns are non-lethal replica firearms that fire plastic pellets by way of spring-driven pistons.

A concerned neighbor called 911 to report the incident.

"He is pointing the gun, and it looks like there's a target in a tree in his front yard," she told the dispatcher. "This is not a real one, but it makes people uncomfortable. I know that it makes me [uncomfortable], as a mom, to see a boy pointing a gun."
Ironically, the caller's son was playing with Khalid and Aidan in the Caraballo front yard.

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