Thanks Hoot...picture...

by rob @, Sunday, September 22, 2013, 16:41 (4024 days ago) @ Hoot

It's been so hectic I forgot to update. Everthing went well. They called me in for pictures and I saw this:[image]
I wasn't prepared for it and that's kinda where I lost it. After that it was pretty smooth sailing...I just told her jokes as we were waiting for the bridal march to keep my mostly worked:) She a beautiful young lady, and great new son in law and grand kids when they come will likely be twins as most everyone in Larry's family is a twin, including, Larry and his brother and his father and all those siblings:) I told them to hold off and save money for a while...we have grand kid #1 to hold us over till they are ready:) The pic is fuzzy because I slid in for the picture fast and tried to stay out of the photographer's way. Hopefully we'll get some better ones up on FB soon.

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