Cancer-Free One Year Today!

by Scribe, Friday, September 20, 2013, 07:04 (4026 days ago)

I was diagnosed with Stage III nasopharyngeal (nasal passages) cancer in late February 2012. Started treatment -- chemo-radiation followed by chemotherapy -- in April and finished in late August.

On Sept. 20, 2012, I was declared cancer-free.

That means that from now on, I have two important dates this month: my birthday on Sept. 8 and this anniversary on Sept. 20.

Started celebrating early. Last Sunday, I participated in my first cowboy action shoot in 53 weeks. Did my ususal middle-of-the-pack performance with an odd brace of handguns that I had never shot before -- a .45 Colt Third Generation Colt Buntline, and a .357 Magnum OM Ruger, 6 1/2 inch barrel.

Best part about the Buntline was carrying it in an extra long Simply Rugged Cattleman rig made for me last year. Thanks, Rob.

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