Aww man.

by cas, Wednesday, September 18, 2013, 19:57 (4027 days ago) @ uncowboy

That's not what I was wanting to hear, or the name I was wanting to read when I opened this thread. I just came from a friends fathers funeral and didn't need more news like this.

Frank H. was a heck of a nice guy, a "shirt off his back" kind of guy. He's one that I really regretted living so far away from, only being able to see him once every few years.

As I mentioned elsewhere, my brother in law, whom was my hunting partner and one of my best friends, died of cancer in 2009. The day he passed was the second day of our last informal "Nor Easter" like get together. I was with Frank when I got the news in a sort of surreal fashion. He took me in his jeep for a ride around the property, and when we reached a hill top clearing I finally got a signal on my phone and got the voice message from my father that Rich had passed. It was a terrible way to get that news. Frank knew I was upset and we just kind of sat there for a few minutes in the jeep on that hilltop. I liked Frank for many reasons, but that was one of the last and strongest memories I have of him.

Hard to believe that 3 of the original Nor Easter folks are now longer with us, Jim, Jeff and now Frank. Pete Martin came the second time around, he would be number four if you count from there. I wonder if there are others.

Man what a heck of a good guy. I missed him as it was.


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