Project guns

by Glen, Wednesday, September 18, 2013, 18:53 (4028 days ago)

Back in in the early 1970s a buddy of mine decided he needed proper bullseye .45. He picked up an old WWI vintage 1911 and dropped it off with Clark at Camp Perry and asked for his Heavy Slide conversion. The gun was completed in August of 1974. Lyle shot many, many matches with this gun over the years, and by the time he died a few years ago, it had been ridden hard and needed some attention. I bought it from his estate (the money was used to support the NRA Junior Marksmanship Program that Lyle supported most of his adult life), and have been tinkering with it ever since. I've completed the rebuild now, and will be taking it out for test-firing tomorrow. I thought you guys might enjoy an old-school bullseye gun. Salud Kimosabe. Vaya con Dios.


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