Why I have so many guns....

by woody, Wednesday, September 18, 2013, 16:12 (4028 days ago)
edited by woody, Wednesday, September 18, 2013, 16:16

Am I the only one that always has a project gun or two to work on? I have gone through different phases in what I like to tinker with. Went through a phase on putting together and getting good patterning turkey guns, slug guns , SxS's,Single Sixes,1911's etc. currently I'm working on a lever gun since I can now hunt in my county with a rifle. This winters project will be a bolt gun as soon as I find an action to start the project. Sometimes they don't get used much after I get them set up but other become my favorite. Once in a great while I will sell one. But not often since they are set up as I like them and I have 3 boys coming up on hunting age. So that is how I end up with so many guns. I had a guy ask me at work why I had so many and I explained it. Then he understood why. He is the same way with mini bikes and lawn mowers. I just wish I had more machining skills and tools so I don't have to have someone else do some of the metal work.

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