Starbucks *ASKS* customers to "Leave Guns At Home"

by FOG, Wednesday, September 18, 2013, 13:51 (4028 days ago) @ Bob Hatfield
edited by FOG, Wednesday, September 18, 2013, 13:56

They would never know I had one anyway as I don't open carry.

PART I (@ Quote)


Unless, of course, they asked.

Then, I'd just say I don't support 'Open Carry'.



A millisecond or so spent searching GOOGLE reveals the OP is only 'half' the story. (As if, 'Who'da thunk it'...)

The other part − you know, the TRUTH − is that the CEO of Starbucks recently issued a statement ASKING customers to leave their guns at home. Starbucks has NOT banned firearms from its stores.

That's a lot different state of affairs than implied by the OP's 'message'.

And what is that? Apparently, 2A 'rights' supercede all others, at all times, in all places, including the private property of others.

What a crock.


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