B'ars 'n stuff

by Catoosa, Wednesday, January 25, 2012, 07:55 (4634 days ago)

TWRA says black bears are starting to migrate into the eastern areas of Middle Tennessee. Seems that with good mast in East Tennessee the last few years, there are lots of young'uns starting out on their own, and the young males particularly are having trouble finding territory that is not already "claimed" by older males. So, they are wandering westward. TWRA wants to know what they should do - catch them and send them back to territory that already has too many bears, or let them wander around in peoples' backyards?

TWRA has not done squat about the coyotes that are taking over the state, and now they want to know how to "manage" the bears. Most of the people I know around here would not have much trouble "managing" a bear. We'd just get a couple more fellers to help load the critter in the pickup and haul him off to the meat locker.

B'ars 'n stuff

by Amerileiro, SW MO, Wednesday, January 25, 2012, 09:03 (4634 days ago) @ Catoosa

I think the meat locker idea is a fine plan to manage b'ars. I'm rather fond of having a full freezer.

TWRA. doesn't know hogs either

by stonewalrus, Wednesday, January 25, 2012, 09:24 (4634 days ago) @ Catoosa

Instead of declaring open season they put on more restrictions to hunting them (basically only landowners can shoot them and there is no hunting). Now the legislature has declared open season on TWRA.

In a shocking turn of events, NY said feral pigs...

by cas, Wednesday, January 25, 2012, 20:47 (4634 days ago) @ stonewalrus

..are an invasive species and can be killed at will any time. That's unlike them.

Now they need to do the same thing for coyotes while we sill have some game birds left.

If only they would extend this rulling to Islamo fascists nm

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Thursday, January 26, 2012, 06:30 (4633 days ago) @ cas


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