We have a big problem

by Charles, Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 09:27 (4029 days ago) @ stonewalrus

There are "mental health professionals", that know about these people, but under the Federal health care information privacy laws (HIPPA)can't tell anybody about them, unless they made a credible threat against somebody or themselves. So, they give them a handful of drugs and shove them out the door.

Without supervision, these folks don't stay on their meds. They don't like the way the meds make them feel. Without the meds they are crazy, but happier...until they run off the rails and kill a bunch of folks.

Over the years, I have done three funerals of folks who were killed by mentally ill relatives they tried to keep in their homes and look after them.

I truly don't know what the answer is. These folks are really and truly sick, but their sickness can be lethal to others on a big time scale.

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