I assume most don't know about the stupidity we face....

by cas, Wednesday, September 11, 2013, 07:53 (4035 days ago) @ woody

....here in NY. It's bad enough we get shat upon by our politicians and our government, but its made worse by the stupidity we have to endure from the firearms industry and associated dealings.

Here' a federally licensed firearms dealer who won't ship a lever action rifle to another federally licensed firearms dealer.
Why the &@$% not!? Is it fear of some made up, self invented law? Even if this was an "evil assault rifle" it's still 100% legal to send it to an FFL.

Or is it spite? Do they feel they're somehow slighting NY and hurting it by not sending things here? All it really is, is surrender. They're giving the state exactly what it wants. The only people they're really hurting is shooters. Their customers, in reality hurting themselves.

We in NY go through this constantly with companies that won't ship this or that here, despite it being totally legal. Too lazy or too stupid to find out I guess. It's so incredibly frustrating to be set upon from both side, we get it from "the enemy" and those who are supposed to be on our side.

Usually someone will reply "well why don't you vote those people out and you wouldn't have this problem." Genius. Great theory... so tell me, why didn't you not elect Obama two times?

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