I was thinking about his funeral just last night.

by cas, Monday, September 09, 2013, 08:58 (4037 days ago) @ Gila Jorge

Skipping the "holiday party", I snuck away from work and went to the service/mass. On route to the cemetary it started to downpour. Visibility was only a couple car lengths and I go stuck at a red light. Separated from the precession, I had no way to know where I was going. I ended up going back to work.

It was a very weird feeling. Kind of "lost" , even though I knew where I was. It was a very incomplete feeling though, like I was cheated yet again. It still bothers me to this day and I guess in a weird way it was perfect. It summed up the whole situation.

Seems like only yesterday though, not 12 years ago. My recollections of that day are more vivid than of 9/11 itself. Maybe because of sensory overload, everything that day is kind of a blur, fragmented bits and pieces.

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