Prayer's needed.

by Murphy @, Sunday, September 08, 2013, 13:16 (4038 days ago)

Life ain't fair, but there are times a fella wonders if the whole world hasn't gone insane.

Friday night, a young man who is like a son to me attempted to take his life. He's going through a divorce, nuff said.

That same night while in the emergency room, I found out my former renter who lived across the street from us in our rent house, was dealing dope out of the house. Supposedly, that person is 'Clean & Sober' and a dear friend to my wife.

And, (yeah it just keeps coming sometimes doesn't it?) I accidentally uncovered the fact a co-worker who passed away 3 months ago...was also a thief who ran around constantly proclaiming his Christian beliefs and how so many of us were going to hell. It wasn't just petty theft either. But, he's answered for that by now.

Next Tuesday, I will be going in for my 2nd stent (in my arm this time). My father in law who lives with us, will need someone to spend the night with him due to health issues he has. I was going to ask one of the 2 people above to spend the night while I'm out of town getting the stent. Still working on what to do now.

And now, I'm headed for the shower to get ready for a funeral. A grand lady who lived to be a ripe old 96 years of age and stayed home alone until a month ago. She was my 2nd cousin who lived just around the corner.

I do have a plan for the afternoon however. I'm gabbing a brick of .22's , my Nylon 66 and a Pre Model 17 and heading to Terry Wallace's house. I'm thinking a 2 liter Dr. Pepper and pot of coffee sitting out on his back porch is gonna provide some much needed relief.

Oh, I forgot one more thing. A local LEO who I've always thought a lot of and was a straight arrow? Ain't that straight afterall...Dagnabit!!!

Thanks for letting me lean on some of the best shoulder's a man could ask for, my Sixshooter family & friends.


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