"Mousegun" saves the day

by Catoosa, Saturday, September 07, 2013, 22:03 (4038 days ago) @ Paul

It's one of the older ones. My uncle bought it years ago to try to keep the jaybirds out of his pecan trees. I got it after he passed on.

Reminds my of a story. One of Uncle Jack's neighbors bitched to the cops about him killing the blue jays in his pecan trees. They came out and told him to stop. He then got some bottle rockets, and I made him a rocket launcher out of a length of aluminum tubing with a pistol grip and a slot in the muzzle to let the fuse stick out so's he could light it with a lighter. He got pretty accurate with it. The bitchy neighbor called the cops again and told them that Uncle Jack was now shooting at the birds with a "long pistol". A cop staked out his house and watched until Uncle Jack came out and shot a bottle rocket up into one of the trees.

The officer then drove over to the house and demanded to see the "gun" he was firing. Uncle Jack showed the rocket launcher to the officer and explained how it worked. The cop sat with Uncle Jack on the back steps, shot up about half a pack of rockets at the birds, then handed the launcher back to him with a big grin and said, "Carry on, Mr. Pryor. I'll tell your neighbor you are not harming the birds or doing anything wrong!"

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