Sometimes a gun can surprise you.

by jgt, Friday, September 06, 2013, 09:14 (4040 days ago) @ Jared

When I use to get wheelweights from tire shops they always threw in the old valve stems they pulled off wheels. I rob the springs from the cores of the valve stems. These have two size springs and the ones that work are the smaller diameter. Take the rifle out of the stock and look for the allen screw on the back side of the trigger (there are three). Back that screw out and there is a spring under it. Cut the valve core spring to match the length of the factory spring and put it back together with the valve core spring in place of the factory. If the screw sticks out too far to clear the stock when replacing the action, you used the large diameter valve core spring and it will not let the screw go in deep enough to clear. When you get the smaller size spring it will go back like it should. This takes more time to write than to do. Once you do it you will see how simple it is. You can have a never ending supply of free springs once you know what to look for. The screw that is being delt with is also the adjustment screw for setting the trigger pull. Set it to your liking and check it for safety issues and adjust accordingly. Once adjusted be sure to use fingernail polish or something to keep the screw from move from it's setting. This too is very simple and you will catch on quickly. You will be amazed at the nice crisp trigger you can get and still have a safe trigger pull for hunting. Good luck.

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