When I "move and shoot"...

by cas, Saturday, August 31, 2013, 12:04 (4046 days ago) @ Hobie
edited by cas, Saturday, August 31, 2013, 15:39

I shoot like this.

(you can see my old hat cam in this shot)

I never realized I did it till someone showed me pictures.

The XDs video above was shot with a Pivothead cam (about $300 GULP)

Here's a friend with the same setup, he shoots "normal".

Here's me, same match, same cam, only I have a big piece of foam under the nose piece to bring the POV up, it was my last attempt at making them work. It was hard to shoot because there were too high, and the foam was distracting. Only the second time I shot revolver this year with some awful reloads that wouldn't chamber. I fought the gun the whole match. A pretend ICORE match… I don't like having to aim that much. lol :-D

Even with the foam and it jacked way up, it didn't work. Maybe good enough… but not $300 good enough. lol

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