anodized/odd/ugly finishes - does anyone remember

by cable, Saturday, August 24, 2013, 15:27 (4053 days ago)

who made 22 rifles back in the 50s/60s that had anodized finishes? some friends [ two brothers whom i knew from civil air patrol and ham radio activities ] had these 22s, i beleive semi autos but could have been other actions, that were wood stocked but had receivers [ probably alloy] and barrels [ likely an alloy shroud with steel liner] that had funky space age colored finishes. i remember specifically a green one, and a blue one, and i think there was even a pinkish one. their dad was a pilot and he liked these and was collecting examples of them but we all got the shoot them and hunt squirrels etc with them

might have been high standard or possibly H&R....... or maybe i am losing it entirely.

any ideas ??

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