Friend shot a short video of me working the barge today

by Dennis Eugene @, Prince of Wales Island Alaska, Thursday, August 22, 2013, 23:44 (4054 days ago) @ Lee J.

Lee, we are a small outfit and each and everyone of us wears many hats. During fish season is when all those refers are coming and going, seldom do we ever do the same chore for more than a couple hours at one sitting. It took the two of us just over two hours to unload that shuttle barge of 80 refers. But to reload the mainline with the loaded refers is a much longer process with just one machine on the beach and one on the barge handing off the full refers from beach to barge can take up to 12 hours and happens once a week for around 8 weeks give or take a couple depending on the fish runs in any given year. (Grin) Dennis

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