When I was a boy there was......

by Otony, Sunday, August 18, 2013, 12:00 (4059 days ago) @ FOG

.......a real gentleman gun buff who ran the local brick and mortar gunshop. His name was Don Morris, a wheelchair bound fellow, but a deep enthusiast who was a more than competent gunsmith.

Anyway, amongst other treasures, he owned a Camp Perry, a Smith & Wesson Straightline, and various Smith and H&R tip-down target pistols. Mr Morris being an observant man allowed a rabidly enthusiastic young lad to fondle fine firearms upon occasion. I never shot the Colt, but was able to ooh and ah over it a time or two.

That would have in the late '60s. He is long gone now, but I remember many a pleasant hour spent in his company.

Otony, who got his first personally paid for handgun in that same shop.

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