When you are 5 and dad's princess....

by Otony, Sunday, August 18, 2013, 08:04 (4059 days ago)

......naturally you get one of these:


This is a distributor special from Ruger. If your dealership purchases so many examples of a certain model (I think the number is 10 or 12), one is provided free. Typically, the free firearm is special in some way, for example Raspberry SR22 pistols such as this are not regular production. And by the way, it isn't pink, it is an interesting shade of, um, Raspberry. We have had pink and purple SR22 pistols, and this is a distinctly different color than those were.

The program allows Ruger to gauge the popularity of model variations by the the response and requests they receive for additional guns in these versions. The SR22 pictured may soon become at least a limited production model, if it hasn't already done so.

So far this year we have received four or five free Rugers. My littlest saw a customer buy a purple SR22 that she had admired, and was dissapointed that it had not been part of HER collection, so when this Raspberry model appeared it was stashed away. She came by the shop with mama yesterday to say hello and I brought it out, asking her what she thought of it. Her response was simply "Thank you". Ah, the perks of royalty.....


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