Mayor joins the ranks of handgun owners......

by Harry O-1, Saturday, August 17, 2013, 18:25 (4060 days ago)

Typical reporting. Not entirely accurate. Stothert did not "just" learn to shoot. I have seen her before at the range. Her and her husband had closed Ruger boxes, so I do not know what she was shooting.

What she was learning was what is required in the 8 hour concealed carry course. About 3/4 of it is classroom and 1/4 of it shooting. I forget how many rounds are required, but we had to bring two boxes of ammo.

Sounds like she bought a new gun specifically for concealed carry, too. I don't know what Ruger she was shooting, but I suspect it was a full sized model of some kind.

Anyway, it is refreshing to see her openly embrace concealed carry. The person she beat in the last election (easily, by the way) was one of the members of the Bloomberg anti-gun group and made it an issue of it during the campaign. He said that if the Federal Government would not ban "assault weapons", semi-autos, "large capacity" magazines, he would.

Stothert was silent on guns. It looks like the former mayors stand hurt him with the voters and her stand did not hurt her (it did not help her either, I suspect). Anyway, he lost by a large margin, although, I thought he should not have gotten any votes and should have been tarred and feathered to boot.

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