11 Million Illegals = 11 Million Gun Owners

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Wednesday, August 14, 2013, 20:26 (4063 days ago)

When 11 Million Illegals Become Legal They Become 11 Million Potential New Gun Buyers

An unexpected consequence is about to hit the gun-rights fan in America.

Democrats -- and republicans too -- have failed to recognize the fact that when "11 million undocumented migrants" eventually gain citizenship through so-called comprehensive immigration reform, they simultaneously lose their status as prohibited gun possessors under federal law 18 USC §922g. They become an 11-million-person demographic base for new gun ownership -- and membership in the NRA.

Illegal aliens are banned from Second Amendment rights. Citizens are not.

When Minutemen brought the illegal-alien problem to our attention on Arizona's border in 2004, we were led to believe their numbers exceeded 20 million. The 20 million somehow became 11 million as fluidly as the “news” media changed watermelon juice (what Trayvon Martin bought one fateful night last year) into "ice tea," a politically correct beverage that had nothing to do with that case. The media plays fast and furiously loose with facts. But I digress.

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