2nd Ammendment Fun Down Here

by Charles, Saturday, August 10, 2013, 10:14 (4067 days ago)

Yesterday a local "2nd. Amendment Activist", named Hammond, decided to push the envelop and twist the lions tail. He went into the Hidalgo County (McAllen) Sherriff's Offices and told them he was going to lean his loaded assault rifle again the outside of their building and take a pic.

They said "no you don't, get out of here" or words to that effect. He left, but came back to file a complaint and they threw him on the ground, cuffed him, searched his vehicle and took his rifle. He is charged with having a firearm in a prohibited premises.

Well, he knows the law and no doubt did this to get arrested and call attention to the law and the fact that cops don't know it. Texas Penal Code 46.035 defines "premises" be the interior of building and not the parking lot (where his vehicle and rifle were) or side walks. So, he was within the letter of the law, picked the fight and got it.

He will eventually prevail and make his point. Until then there will be hoopla, posturing and so forth.

So now the protests and marches begin, the news coverage etc, etc, etc. Rosa Parks has come to South Texas. I suspect in due time, this event will work it's way into your area.

I have mixed feelings on the matter. On one hand, I think the guy is an idiot. On the other hand, I think folks in general and cops in particular should know the law on the subject. Hay veremos..(we will see). So it goes down here on the Border in the land of palm trees and bright sunshine.

Have one in Nashville always trying to push the line

by stonewalrus, Saturday, August 10, 2013, 10:30 (4067 days ago) @ Charles

He does more damage than good and gives anti-gunners and news media a feeast. Latest stunt was walking around in downtown Nashville with an AR15 and body armor. Previously he was running around a local state park with an AK pistol strapped on his back. Just because it is technically legal doesn't mean you should go around poking bears for attention.

Yes, that would be Leonard Embody, aka "Kwikrnu"

by John K., Saturday, August 10, 2013, 11:04 (4067 days ago) @ stonewalrus

He had a can on the rifle also, unloaded, in a form fitting homemade kydex case. When they opened the case and found the silencer, they arrested him. Now, he legally owns the can, so it will be thrown out, but not before he files a raft of lawsuits. Likely, everything will be thrown out by a judge.

He is also an NFA dealer.

Like Charles, while I get the point of publically standing up for the 2nd, trying to trap LE into making a mistake and then filing a lawsuit seems counter-productive.

His website:

by John K., Saturday, August 10, 2013, 11:14 (4067 days ago) @ John K.


He has a thing about "pigs", also.

Have one in Nashville always trying to push the line

by Catoosa, Saturday, August 10, 2013, 22:12 (4067 days ago) @ stonewalrus

Some years ago, right after Tennessee passed the handgun carry permit law, a guy who worked in our building came strolling into the office with a holstered pistol worn openly. The TN law does not require concealed carry, and it is not unusual to see people carrying openly now, but this individual was apparently trying to prove something. He was stopped by Nashville PD officers while walking from the parking garage to the building, showed them his shiny new carry permit, and they let him go on his way. He succeeded in creating quite a stir in the building, and there was talk of restrictions, metal detectors, etc.

According to the story I heard, some of the more sensible permit holders who worked in the building approached this individual a day or so later and "counseled" him on the inadvisability of stirring up trouble for all of us. His transgression of firearms and workplace etiquette was not repeated, and the whole thing soon blew over.

I think that some of this behavior is really just

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Sunday, August 11, 2013, 07:30 (4066 days ago) @ Catoosa

attention seeking. That's sad.



"...this event will work it's way into your area."

by Drago, Saturday, August 10, 2013, 11:31 (4067 days ago) @ Charles

Already did. The law against carrying loaded firearms in a public place, signed into law by Reagan, allowed the open carrying of unloaded firearms. So, against all advice to the contrary, some stalwart souls started openly carrying unloaded handguns in belt holsters to the beach, to Starbucks etc. So the legislature outlawed unloaded open carry as well. Undaunted, out heroes started carrying longguns, and the that was outlawed too. Oh, there will be lawsuits filed, and the courts will continue their glacial pace. One suit took 12 years to wend its way through the system. So look for a change in the definition of premises, Charles.

Exactly - the idiot will create a furor and cost us

by stonewalrus, Saturday, August 10, 2013, 13:01 (4067 days ago) @ Drago

Liberties already fought for.

Liberties denied are liberties lost. If he can't obey

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Saturday, August 10, 2013, 13:18 (4067 days ago) @ stonewalrus

the letter of the law and get arrested then the law means nothing exactly the same as if he had murdered a police officer and gotten away with it.



I would not...

by Charles, Saturday, August 10, 2013, 15:00 (4067 days ago) @ Hobie

try and deny the truthfulness of that statement, but the guy is still an idiot.

It is pure folly to stick a hornet's nest...

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Saturday, August 10, 2013, 19:20 (4067 days ago) @ Charles

Even if you have the right to...

You shouldn't whine if you get stung!



Lots of things are legal.

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Saturday, August 10, 2013, 22:23 (4067 days ago) @ Hobie

Not all of those things are a good idea.

2nd Ammendment Fun Down Here

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Sunday, August 11, 2013, 07:35 (4066 days ago) @ Charles

We have had several fellas trying similar things around here. We usually call them 'attention whores'. Guys walking around down town Indy with AR's slung on their backs at busy lunch time areas and such. In IN our carry laws are pretty loose, open or concealed carry of handguns with an easily obtained permit, carry of loaded rifles legal with no permit needed. I agree we need people to educate the pilice and the masses, but I think there are less sensational ways to do it.

I read a column in Shotgun news a few years ago that I wish I would have saved. It basically compared carrying a gun with being gay. It stated that most intelligent people knew it happened and didn't care either way. It also said that shoving your behavior in unknowing people's faces did zero good for your cause. Open carry of your AR in Wal Mart will not turn a soccer mom into a pro second amendmend person. A gay pride parade with guys making out while wearing leather bondage gear won't turn your average person into a proponent of gay marriage. It was a very well written column which I'm sure upset many 'tough' gun guys, but made several good points.

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