Yes, slavery was and is offensive....

by Charles, Friday, August 09, 2013, 11:42 (4068 days ago) @ Byron
edited by Charles, Friday, August 09, 2013, 11:45

Slavery is indeed a moral evil. However it was not confined to the South. There were slaves all through the North and it was legal in Delaware, Maryland and the District of Columbia. Honest Abe, the Great Emancipator lived hip and thigh with slavery in his own hood.

Folks today think the South was responsible for slavery and vilified as a result. Southerners are portrayed as evil rich men wallowing in their wealth produced by slaves or ignorant white trash. This is a gross distortion of the truth.

Entertainment is also a vehicle for brainwashing a nation. The Nazis knew this and so does Hollywood. This is what I find offensive. It is a form of slander against the South.

The Southern white man just does not have an Al Sharpton or a Jessie Jackson to rub the nations noses in their prejudices.

Movies like this feed the stereotype of the black victim, put upon by the white man and needs to redress the grievous wrong done to his people. Then you guys wonder why the black people and liberals are so spun up by the Martin/Zimmerman affair.

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