The purple paint law...a short history.

by Wildcat, Flint Hills of Kansas, Wednesday, July 31, 2013, 09:56 (4077 days ago) @ FOG

Back in the '90s, somebody in the Kansas legislature apparently got tired of having his "No Hunting", "No fishing" and "No Trespassing" signs shot up, stolen or simply torn down.

Accordingly, legislation was passed authorizing landowners to simply put purple paint on the corner posts of the property. The presence of that paint requires anyone other than the landowner, who is hunting, fishing or present on the property, to have in their possession, written permission to do whatever activity they are doing, signed by the landowner. If they do not have the requisite documents, they can be charged with criminal trespass, illegal hunting, etc. Its been a real nice way for the State to get extra fine money. When out of staters come up to hunt our great whitetails, we just give them oral permission to hunt any of our ground that we marked with purple paint.:-D

As to the purple color, the color for the Kansas State Wildcats is Royal Purple, thus the supposition that the legislator proposing the law was a good Wildcat. Crimson and blue are the colors for the University of Kansas Jayhawks....most graduates of whom are left leaning democrats who'd rather hug a tree than shoot a ringneck or whitetail anyway.

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