I look at England and want to cry.

by acwzltejaeger @, Tuesday, July 30, 2013, 15:44 (4078 days ago) @ Charles

The family of my maternal grand mother is from England. While she is deceased I can
imagne she is rolling over in her grave. Whatever happens in the years to come will be richly deserved by those liberals who made such asinine changes. Sadly, most of them are down right repugnant and the decent folks who were against them and their
children will in the future pay the price.
Just like what is happening in the USA under the Prevaricator in Chief's reign of
Prayerfully Billary will not seek the Presidency in 2016. If that were to be the case
we all had better be pepared to bend over and place our heads between our legs and kiss the USA goodbeye as most of those on this web site once knew it.

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