Waaayyy Left update......

by FOG, Monday, July 29, 2013, 04:04 (4079 days ago) @ Gunner

Your story reminds me of a couple of things.

1. Always check the weak link first.

If it's electical, make sure it's plugged in − preferably before calling the 'Help Desk'. :-D

If it's a scoped rifle, the optics or mounting hardware are usually prime suspects. ;-)

2. 'If at first you don't succeed...'

Whenever a gun shoots 'wide' the first time out, it's usually me who's the culprit, so I learned a long time ago it's best to put the gun away and try again another day.

This approach has been known to draw some strange looks − plus a few more curious responses − but if you've never tried it, you might be surprised how things turn out.


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