I owned both and recommend neither

by brionic @, Thursday, July 25, 2013, 13:55 (4083 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

The Walther is well made and nifty, but suffers (or suffered) from the traditional Walther plagues of hammer bite and sharp slide edges, making for an uncomfortable shooting experience.

The Beretta is smaller, but the "sights" are rudimentary, at best, the trigger feels like a screen door latch, and the barrel required Q-tip swabbing after every other magazine of shooting to avoid FTE/FTC. The tip-up barrel is a neat feature though.

Both weapons were particularly ammo sensitive with regard to proper functioning. Neither was what I would consider target accurate, by any stretch, nor reliable in terms of cycling.

Either would be a fine "kit gun" for casual use. The Beretta, being smaller and round-ish-er, is better for concealment, assuming one feels comfortable with such an arrangement.

I sold both in a deal for an S&W M63. The buyer was delighted, mumbling stories about the Mossad and the mob etc etc. Meanwhile, the M63 started me down a path that led me to Keith/Skelton/Taffin/Quinns :-D

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