More on ammo "scalpers". While I understand the folks

by John K., Saturday, July 20, 2013, 18:49 (4088 days ago)

that despise these guys, my question has always been... what about the guy that refuses to raise his prices to current market value? He just becomes a good source for the scalpers, that's what.

Here's my recent experience. Last spring, a friend's nephew (early 20s) had purchased his first gun - a Ruger 10/22. But 22lr ammo was nowhere to be found, of course. So he asked if I would be willing to part with some of mine for a new shooter, and offered some lead in trade. "Of course, in this situation, I would be glad to help a new shooter." So I gave him three bricks of CCI mini-mag for about 30lbs of lead. (good cause)

Fast forward to yesterday. Friend contacts me and asks if I have any more 22lr ammo for his nephew. "LOL! Did he shoot it all up? I warned you it wasn't readily available at this time."

Friend: "No, he's been selling it and making a KILLING!"

"No, that was a one shot deal, sorry."

That was the problem at our shop. Limiting sales

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Saturday, July 20, 2013, 20:20 (4088 days ago) @ John K.

to two boxes and raising prices slightly killed the motivation for "profiteering" at our expense BUT, in fact, we are the point now that all ammo is saved back for purchasers of firearms. IOW, we don't have ammo for both types of customers. Can't sell guns if you don't have ammo for them!

Related, our Walmart had ammo Friday morning (about 9 am), full shelves, NOTHING by noon.



Good idea. "Want some 22lr? Buy this 10/22 and we'll sell

by John K., Saturday, July 20, 2013, 21:52 (4088 days ago) @ Hobie

ya some at a decent price."

Store/range I have association won't sell ammo out the door.

by cas, Saturday, July 20, 2013, 22:00 (4088 days ago) @ John K.

What little they have…. if you want to shoot it in the range, they'll sell it to you. But they won't sell it as "take out".

Last time around, shortage wise, they were buying ammo at Wal-mart when they could and reselling it in the store at no profit, just to at least make range fees. Anything to try and keep the lights on. No ammo sales, no range fee's, guns don't sell when you can't feed em… times got tough.

I am not understanding the shortage

by bj2, Monday, July 22, 2013, 00:03 (4087 days ago) @ cas

reselling it in the store at no profit, just to at least make range fees. Anything to try and keep the lights on

Everybody says that there is more production now than ever, and I would expect that.

Everybody claims that the government is not buying it. I have no way of knowing if this is true or not.

So if there is a lot of production, and all of it is getting sold, then who is selling it? I would expect that any given store would be selling more now than they sold in the ordinary times, and prices are up, so logically any retailer should be making more money now than ever.

The only issue would be if the production is getting allocated unfairly.

Have to wonder how much of a "killing" someone could make

by brionic @, Saturday, July 20, 2013, 23:27 (4088 days ago) @ John K.

on 1500 rounds. Maybe a few hundred bucks seems like big money to guys who eat at Taco Bell.

Some people think $40 is a "killing"...

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Sunday, July 21, 2013, 09:31 (4087 days ago) @ brionic

Those aren't necessarily "poor" people either.



A guy I know had been trying to talk me out of my Makarov

by stonewalrus, Sunday, July 21, 2013, 09:44 (4087 days ago) @ Hobie

Cheap for several years. He finally bought one and contacted me about wanting to sell it at a big profit. Tells me that is what he would have done with mine. I think it's kind of funny that he is now stuck with it because nobody is going to pay $400 for one now when there are much better alternatives in full blown 9mm now. I bought mine in 2001 for $150 when it was a decent deal and the options weren't there. I won't sell this one but I sure wouldn't buy another one.

Isn't it funny how "friends" will try to buy something

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Sunday, July 21, 2013, 12:18 (4087 days ago) @ stonewalrus

from you, their "friend" on the cheap when they think that they can make a big profit, rather than tell you so YOU can make the money but think nothing of it? Ammo, guns, cars, FARMS, whatever...

As to the Makarov. I got mine because it cost me $153. I bought 500 rounds of HPs from Dan the Ammo Man for $60 (shoulda bought more I suppose). I actually shot a ground hog with it. I could get my money back on the ammo if I'd sell just 3-4 boxes but why? I've got dies, bullets and brass as well.



He's definitely off my friends list

by stonewalrus, Sunday, July 21, 2013, 13:29 (4087 days ago) @ Hobie

I still pack it on occasion and have a bunch of ammo for it. Besides, I bought it on Saturday after 9/11 - I am always reminded of that when I hear the Alan Jackson song with the line "did you go out and buy a gun?" Yes, the other great thing was cheap ammo and that is long gone too!

Yeah, I had a "friend" like that too.

by Drago, Sunday, July 21, 2013, 16:48 (4087 days ago) @ stonewalrus

Back in 1989 when California's first AWB came into effect. He wasn't interested in buying back the CAR-15 I bought from him for what I paid for it until he found out he could sell it for a lot more than that. I found out first.

More on ammo "scalpers". While I understand the folks

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Sunday, July 21, 2013, 23:02 (4087 days ago) @ John K.

There is a group of old retired farts who haunt the local WalMart, waiting for trucks to come in so they can ring up their friends to get around the 1 box limit; they simply line up and buy every 550 pack of .22 ammo that comes in. They'll hang out until 11 PM or later, however long it takes to get it all. You can find these same buzzards at local open-air markets trying to get $60-80 per bulk pack.

The local store has installed three benches for them at the sporting goods counter.

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