More on ammo "scalpers". While I understand the folks

by John K., Saturday, July 20, 2013, 18:49 (4088 days ago)

that despise these guys, my question has always been... what about the guy that refuses to raise his prices to current market value? He just becomes a good source for the scalpers, that's what.

Here's my recent experience. Last spring, a friend's nephew (early 20s) had purchased his first gun - a Ruger 10/22. But 22lr ammo was nowhere to be found, of course. So he asked if I would be willing to part with some of mine for a new shooter, and offered some lead in trade. "Of course, in this situation, I would be glad to help a new shooter." So I gave him three bricks of CCI mini-mag for about 30lbs of lead. (good cause)

Fast forward to yesterday. Friend contacts me and asks if I have any more 22lr ammo for his nephew. "LOL! Did he shoot it all up? I warned you it wasn't readily available at this time."

Friend: "No, he's been selling it and making a KILLING!"

"No, that was a one shot deal, sorry."

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