GONE! • Milt Sparks EX & SS2-Style Belt Loops (1¾")

by FOG, Friday, July 19, 2013, 16:23 (4089 days ago)
edited by FOG, Friday, July 19, 2013, 22:10


These 1¾" detachable belt loops fit Milt Sparks Executive Companion and Summer Special 2 holsters. (The EX loop can be split to match the SS2 loop, if desired; an Xacto knife is perfect for this.)

I no longer have any holsters to match, so these loops are surplus to my needs.
Actually, I'm not sure why I kept them and was a bit surprised to find I still had them...[image] :-D

In any case, first 'I'll take them', gets them. :-)



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