Sub vs. super

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Friday, July 19, 2013, 10:44 (4089 days ago) @ Hoot

Hoot, the suppressor quiets down the muzzle blast, but dies nothing for the sonic crack the bullet makes, so yes subsonic loads are needed to be really quiet. It's amazing what a good suppressor will do for supersonic loads, though. I can shoot quite a bit of .223 or .308 without earplugs, while using my can. It's about like shooting supersonic .22's out of a rifle. Not quiet by any means but a heck of a lot quieter than without the can! For hunting, a suppressor is great because you don't have to worry about hearing loss or messing with ear protection. We just got hunting with suppressors legalized here in Indiana and I can't wait to go after coyotes and squirrel with a couo of suppressed rifles! We have a few 'rifle' calibers legal for deer hunting, but I don't have a suppressor set up to handle any of them (unless I loaded my .357 down lower than I want to for deer hunting.)

I'll have a few rifles set up for my suppressors in MO this fall if you two were planning on making that get together again. You are welcome to try out anything I have!

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