Speaking of 'Sweet 16s'

by FOG, Wednesday, July 17, 2013, 20:58 (4091 days ago) @ Remington40x

The LGS had an Ithaca Model 37 on the shelf today that looked pretty sweet to me.

I don't know a lot about them, but this one was old enough to have no checkering on the buttstock and a grooved forend piece, but new enough to have the 'RayBar' sight.

The plain barrel appeared to be either 26" or 28" (with *NO* PolyChoke − LOL).

Except for the recoil pad − which looked 'right', and might well have been original − the gun appeared to be 95% or better.

Neither the wood nor metal appeared refinished to me, but again, I'm no 'expert' on Ithacas.

I'm just glad I was picking up the Stevens, because at $330 that 16-Ga Model 37 was sorely tempting.


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