Sorry, but no luck here

by FOG, Tuesday, July 16, 2013, 02:33 (4093 days ago) @ Hoot

The Ruger Forum would seem to be the 'best' bet, with OM Parts Kits selling there for around $150 or so. When they show up, that is, which doesn't appear to be very often. Future prices might also be higher.

Even if prices stay around $150, that much cash would seem to 'lower' the stakes on buying an Old Model .357 'just' for the parts, swapping them out with the NM parts in the .41, and selling the now-converted .357.

I suppose whether it's worth it depends on the condition, etc. of the .41. I only toss it out there because I'm pretty sure there are a lot more OM .357s around, and such a 'swap' might well be worthwhile.

Besides condition, it would probably be 'better' if the .41 has the 4⅝" barrel; that barrel length seems to command more than the 6½". Of course, that could change just about anytime, too.

HTH :-)


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