Fuzzy sights often work very well

by Charles, Monday, July 15, 2013, 11:15 (4093 days ago) @ Hobie

The human eye has a remarkable ability to sort out shades of various colors and seek the center.

I have a good friend who retired from the Army as a full Colonel in the Military Police. At one time he was on the AAMU at Ft. Benning. One of his assignments was to put on shooting exhibitions for visiting dignitaries. He would put up a target down range with the white toward him and the black bull toward the back and let fly with his match Garand. The target would be retrieved and when turned over, the bullets were all 10s and Xs. He told me it was not much of a trick as they eye would seek the center of the white targetand the front sight would land there. If the rifle was signed for a center hold, that is where the bullets went.

I am now 71 and my eyesight is not what is once was, but I can still shoot open sights pretty damn good you betcha!

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