Pretty pathetic, but some of the comments @ GP are hilarious

by FOG, Saturday, July 13, 2013, 17:29 (4095 days ago) @ Caz

Gun Geo Marker @ Google Play

Example: Gotta move the cache

"Some idiot went and marked my granny's grave. I mean, how in the world did they know that I had ol' granny cremated so I could use the grave to hide all my weapons? That was a total secret"


Another one: Great for Gun Trafficking!

"This is a great app! I was already able to stalk a house that was tagged as having guns and when I realized the owners were gone, I was able to break in and leave with 4 guns within 10 minutes! I'm watching another house right now. I'm thinking this next Monday I'll be able to break in and get at least one more. This is really going to start off my gun trafficking racket. I was wondering how I would be able to get the guns to start it off and then this app came along! Thank you so much Brett Stalbaum! The designer's email is Let him know how you feel!"

Um, Emphasis Added... [image]


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