Will I go to hell for this big lie?

by Charles, Saturday, July 13, 2013, 15:28 (4095 days ago)

The acquisition of another Model 19 got my memory in gear. On my first one I had a set of bone magna style grips I picked up at the Gun Show in Houston. People keep asking me if they were ivory and I said now they were bone. Bone? Where did you get those, they would ask?

Well, I said, when I was a kid on the ranch in Coleman Country Texas we found an old Comanche burial site under a flat rock on the banks of the Colorado River. I have the grips made from the shoulder blade of the dead Comanche. I told them, I felt his spirit was still in the grips.

That always spooked them a little, but I thought it was great fun. Do I need to start running ads in Texas newspapers fessing up to the whopper?

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