I imagine a lot of bullets would fail the 'Sand Test'

by lee jurras @, hagerman,NM, Wednesday, July 10, 2013, 21:41 (4098 days ago) @ Scott Ambler

Go with what YOU feel comfortable with, based on your own tests, Me,. I have my own personal feelings and can ague them till the cows come home, but YOU will not be happy until you make up your own mind.I have tested bullets too numerous to mention in all types of game under varying field and weather conditions with varying velocities based on distance and or bbl lengths, as well as various mediums from dirt, clay, water, ivory snow flakes, Ballistics gelatin, and Duxseal as well Auto glass at varying angles Automobile skin also . You name it I've shot at it at varying angles, tires, in both truck and cars. Ricochets from varying angles of Brick, plaster, asphalt, and plaster.
You will not be comfortable until you decide based on your findings. My personal carry, 44 Mag, 250 cast gr. bullet @ 1050-1100 fps.:-P

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