Walter Tardy's Sword

by Charles, Monday, July 08, 2013, 09:58 (4100 days ago) @ Steve
edited by Charles, Monday, July 08, 2013, 10:51

Yes, I have the sword, along with his service record. In his Senior Year at the Naval Academy he was presented this sword as the outstanding Naval Cadet athlete. He was Captain of the football team that year. If I remember right that was about 1898 or 99.

I offered it to the woman a couple of years ago for what I had in it, and she indicated an interest, but never got around to coming up with the money and after a time I grew tired of the game. The dance went on for several months with her wanting to contact other family members, which as far as can deduce, she never did. It became clear, she was not serious about getting the sword back. I withdrew the offer and decided just to hang on to it and pass it on to my son. He has an interest in history and would appreciate the history and pass it on to his son.

I do want some evidence that the person who gets it is family of Walter Tardy. It has substantial collector's value due to his involvement in the Boxer affair in China and don't want some collector getting it below it's full value by claiming to be family.

I bought this 19 years ago at a gun show in Deming New Mexico. How it came to be there, I have no idea.

I have purchased three US military inscribed swords over the years and have returned all but this one to the family. I will do the same for this one. I don't think these things should have every left the family.

You can still have it for what I paid for it, but I will add some extra for inflation and the frustration of trying to deal with your female relative. She really did irritate me! I don't mind helping families get their heirlooms back, but I do expect folks to do what they say in a timely manner. I came away with the notion she was trying to get me to reduce the price, which was not and is not going to happen. I am a grumpy sort as folks on this board will attest.

I bought the sword at market price for an inscribed US Military sword without provenance. I enjoy military history and thought I might come up with the original owner and perhaps some historical connection. With that in hand, the value would double or even triple. I did the research and did in fact come up with a very good provenance. This increased the value significantly, but I am not a dealer who buys and sells things. I am just a guy who like swords, guns and history, but does not want to spend money unless there is a good chance of getting the money back, if the wolf comes to my door. There is no wolf at the present time at my door.

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