Why 'only' four?

by FOG, Sunday, July 07, 2013, 08:37 (4102 days ago) @ Slow Hand

First of all, I hope to never have to shoot, much less reload, but I figure on being in a hurry if I do.

I also figure two is better than none.

Four (or five, or six...) would be even better, of course, but I think the advantages outweigh the potential disdvantages in this case (the idea being to get *some* rounds in the gun ASAP − literally).

Considering how a Speed Strip actually works, this seems like a sound approach to the problem.

If there's time for more, fine; however, I wouldn't count on it. (So to speak...)

IMO, the only thing 'better' is a good Speed-Loader − Or a 'NY Reload'. ;-)


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