Rob, give this a try for prevention...

by Paul ⌂, Thursday, July 04, 2013, 19:03 (4104 days ago) @ rob

I've always been a rust magnet for anything I carry. The PPPPPP was no exception. I tried everything folks told me - other than RIG, none of that down here that I could find. But the wax and whatever else they told me. Anyway, when I started using good old ATF thickened up with Lanolin my rust issues ceased, desisted, went away. Automatic Transmission Fluid (I'm sure you've heard of the stuff ;-) ) can be placed in a small jar in a pan of water on the stove top. Bring the water to a simmer then start dropping in pea sized bits of anhydrous lanolin until you've added maybe an ounce of lanolin to two ounces or so of ATF. Let it cool. You'll now have a nice, thick, oil that sticks to the steel. I rub my PPPPPP down every week or so whether it needs it or not. But since I started using this stuff I've not had to do full blown cleaning on it as often as before. The cylinder release button, for example, no longer gets rust under it. I've simply not found anything that will keep rust at bay in our very humid climate like this stuff does.

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